

Weihua New Material Successfully Delivers the Mid-Year Meeting 2020

RELEASE TIME : 2020-08-06Browse Number :

The Weihua New Material mid-year meeting 2020 & executive management buildingand corporate culture workshop, was held for a day and a half from July 31st to August 1st near the beautiful Mount Kuaiji where the waters wereclear and mountains green. Heads of departments of the company reported theirrespective work summaries of the first half of 2020 and proposed tasks for thesecond half.

At themeeting, Mr. Pan Qiangbiao, General Manager of the company, made a summary andanalysis of the performance in the first half of 2020, laid out tasks for thesecond half, and proposed new requirements for attaining the general objectivesof 2020.

Mr. WuJiangwei, Director of the company, made important remarks at the meeting, wherehe required heads of departments to develop a sense of crisis and urged them tobrace for various challenges in the second half of 2020 despite thewell-performed first half of the year.

In thesubsequent workshop, all the participants were actively engaged in discussingwhat makes a good manager and a good corporate culture, laying a solidfoundation for the forthcoming project of the company to establish a corporateculture and conduct talent reviews.

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