

Great Songs for China and Its 70-Year Development

RELEASE TIME : 2019-09-20Browse Number :

On the afternoon of September 18, 2019, the chorus competition “GreatSongs for China and Its 70-Year Development” and the celebration of the 70thanniversary of the founding of new China, jointly hosted by Hangzhou BayShangyu Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hangzhou Bay GeneralManagement Office in Shangyu District of Shaoxing City, Cao'e Sub-district Officein Shangyu District of Shaoxing City, and E You Town Management Committee, washeld in the theater of Keyi College of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. Thischorus competition has attracted the participation of 17 elite chorus teams fromvarious enterprises. The singing is loud and clear with climax coming one afteranother during the competition.

The vigorous Weihua team worked hard and together, overcomingmany obstacles such as tight schedule and lack of expertise during therehearsal, and finally lived up to the expectations and won the third place witha passionate and charming presentation of a song called “Ode to the Motherland”,demonstrating Weihua’s tribute to the great Chinese nation. This competitionhas fully demonstrated Weihua’s corporate culture of unification and teamspirit, as well as a healthy and optimistic corporate spirit.

In the future, Weihua will keep working hard and working smart,bravely forge ahead, actively contribute to the Company’s development, as wellas contribute to the construction of our motherland.

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